Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lydia's 3rd Birthday

I guess I will just say it, My mom was right, time does fly by when your kids are little so enjoy it. I just can't believe she is 3 already. Where oh where did the last three years go to. It seems like not too long ago I was pregnant with her and picking out her crib set and today I just picked out her first big kid bike and looked at back packs and lunchboxes for preschool.

I do know that she is the best thing to happen to Kris and I and we are truely blessed to have her as our daughter!
-She is full of energy
-She is stubborn, determined and knows how to get what she wants
-She likes to be the life of the party only after she has warmed up to you
-She talks non and I mean NON stop
-She knows her ABC's by sight, her colors, shapes and we are working on numbers
-She learned how to ride her bike in 5 mintues (yes it has training wheels)
-She loves being a mommy to her babies and can't wait to meet her baby brother or sister
-She has the most contagious laugh
-She has the biggest eyes and smile when she is happy
-She loves to read, swim, bike, garden with mommy, play in her sandbox, play with her friends, play on the swimset and play house.
-In my opinion she is the best 3 year old ever!
Here are a few photos of the day. We had a birthday party for her in the backyard, it involved water since it was 98 yestereday. She had a blast!

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