Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The ups and downs of being a mommy

Well I think I officially have memorized the pediactrians phone number for Hannah, for a 12 week old baby we have been in their office 9 times for her. This makes me sad. Last Wednesday I took her again because her Gerd was terrible, she would scream, couldn't sleep and was just an uphappy sad baby girl. This is where I took my dive down the tubes, the Dr pulled her off breastmilk, she was losing weight not gaining it. My 1st reaction was I was a failure, that I couldn't even feed and keep healthy my own baby, my 2nd reaction was why? and the 3rd one was holly crap how are we going to pay for this stuff, not only is she on formula but one of the most expensive ones out there. So two days into her being on just formula, my baby is BACK! She is happy, smiley, sleeping, looking around at her big old world, loves to talk to you so my reactions all changed to, this is the right thing for my baby until she learns food is good, thank goodness for Enfamil and them making a hypoallergnic formula and thank you Dr for helping us finally. So as it stands today, we are on formula with a little breastfeeding and I am married to the pump 3 times a day in hopes that she will gain weight, learn food is yummy and her intestines will process the food and keep her acid levels in her tummy down. Then as she gets older we will change formulas and introduce more breastfeeding.
I can say that finally I see that there is a light at the end of this tunnel we have been stuck in for 10 weeks, I am so happy that Hannah is acting normal and loving life I can't even explain. My heart was broken because she was so miserable and as we all know when mommy doesn't feel good no one does, so hopefully this will be a positive turn around in our house for all of us.

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