Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And she is off.....

It is so funny everyday she gets a little farther and faster and Lydia LOVES it.
Lydia is enjoying the last few weeks of summer with her friends, she has started to ride a 16" bike and is loving being a "bigger" girl. she would play all day with the neighbor kids if she could.
Hannah continues to be Hannah, she is a joy to watch learn and explore her world. We switched her to an over the counter hypo allergenic formula on Sunday and my verdict is out on how she is doing but both the GI and Pediatrician say I have to wait one week before pulling her back off it. I pray they are right. She has been fighting one eye infection after another this month and tonight Kris took her to the Dr and she thinks it is due to her clogged tear ducts and gave us yet another eye drop. Her eye procedure is on the 31st so please say a little prayer for her.

Here are some photos of the last few weeks.

Lydia on the laptop

Hannah is BIG stuff standing up in her crib

Trying to get the camera

They started taking bathes together at home last week!

Lydia wearing a "dance dress" from one of my friends! She wants to be a Doctor, Astrounaun, Singer, Dancer when she gets old before being a Mommy

1 comment:

Trina McCool said...

Dev, they are both beautiful and oh so cute! I will say some prayers that Hannah does well and you get this formula thing figured out!