Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today is Day 4 and we are making it through. On Friday I never thought I would be able to say we have done it but we slept ALL night long last night from 7:45 to 7:00 am and she is sick. Oh yes sick, we woke up in the middle of the night Sunday with yet another cold. But she can now sleep through the night since she can breath through her mouth since there isn't a binky there.

So I am proud to say, we are doing it. All three of us! Kris and I both thinks she is talking a TON more since Saturday and I actually had to say, we need 5 mintues without talking, which is strange since she never had the binky in the day.

We are having Spring like sun but still in the 40's. We have flower bulbs coming up like crazy. All those beautiful tulip bulbs I dug up last May will be so pretty in about a month. I can't wait!

Have a great week. Oh the other good news is our computer is fixed and faster than ever so it only takes 2 minutes to post vs 30! I am so excited!

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