Monday, August 8, 2011


We swam in the river, had a camp fire, attempted to go to bed (it took her two hours to fall asleep) just to roll off the air mattress onto Amy and then talk all night long! We ventured off to the natural hot springs I've heard so much about since moving to Idaho, pretty sure we won't do that again but hey we had to see.

Hannah is going GREAT!! I hate to write that because every time I do it back fires but we started her on rice cereal last week and she loves it and is doing well and today was the 1st of many test with introducing her to Soy and Dairy again to see if she has outgrown the intolerance. Today she had Multi Grain Cereal (it has soy in it)and she did just wonderful, no reflux, no hives, no crying, no blood in her stool just a happy little baby girl. I pray it continues for the next 5 days and if it does we have the green light to get her baby puffs, Cheerios and oatmeal. She loves her baby food, it is funny she will eat do a loud grunting when you stop and then screams at you if you don't get it in fast enough. She is sitting up all alone now and today she was laying down and she got into sitting position all by herself! Lydia was just so proud. Also today Lydia dove into the swimming pool for the 1st time by herself!

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