Sunday, June 6, 2010

Long Week

The week started off with a trip to Seattle to attend the funeral of my cousin Shaun, who died at the age of 48 after taking his own life. The services were beyond words. The church, which was a large Cathlotic church, was left to standing room only. It was amazing the outreach of people that were there. It was also wonderful to see most my extended Murphy family. I just hope the next time we get together it is something happy.

We were in Seattle for 4 days, Lydia and Ellie just loved each other. It was so fun to watch them play together, their imaginations are great. They look a lot alike but also very different. Dan and I both think they look like Mom. We had a nice visit with them but wish it was longer and under better circumstances.

This is the way she rode to and from Seattle, what ever works right!

The view from Dan's balcony.

Ellie and Lydia playing dog and owner


Saturday I held a garage sale, it wasn't that great. I think I will just continue to donate our things to the Goodwill and get the tax write-off.
We got another phone call with bad news Saturday afternoon. Kris's Dad was taken by life flight to a hospital in Sandusky. It was feared he had a heart attack, which we still don't know if he did or didn't but the bad news is he is under going a triple bypass on Tuesday morning. So please say your prayers for him and his mom.

Today we spent 4 hours TRYING to install a ceiling fan in Lydia's room. Yeah trying is a great word, at least we didn't scream, cuss or throw things. We just got STUCK in the ceiling. Hopefully we will get the answer's to our questions tomorrow and be on our way to a new ceiling fan soon.

I finally got medicine from my Dr. for nausea and acid reflux and I am feeling better, not great but hopefully someday soon I will come out of this. I am just about 13 weeks.

Have a good week and we love you all!

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