Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It is Thanksgiving Eve here in Boise, ID. It is freezing out with ice and snow, the bird is in the brine, the pie is cooked and the kid is getting ready for bed. With this I thought I would reflect on a few things I am thankful for this year. 1) Lydia's laughter, just this afternoon Kris was pulling her on her sled outside and I could hear that laugh inside so I got up and watched her laugh and smile ear to ear. That laugh has brighten many of my days this year. 2)My husband-he would do anything for me or Lydia. He does dishes, laundry (when asked) cleans (when asked), stays home instead of travels to football games so he can help his 8 month pregnany wife out, cleans carpets, plays with Lydia non-stop and shows me love and caring everyday in his little ways. 3) My parents and in laws-they would drop anything to help us out. They are always a phone call away to answer silly questions or just to cry to when I don't feel good (which is everyday these past few weeks) Their love for Lydia and Hannah. 4)The roof over our head, the food on our table and the clothes on our backs. 5) Our health 6)and as I sit here with a baby about to fall out of my body, I am thankful for the opportunity to be a Mom all over again, I am thankful to be able to bring life into this world, I am thankful for the kicking and hicups I feel all the time these days and I am most thankful to know that I only have 15 more days of this pregnancy! 7)Good friends that have become our family here in Boise, and our friends everywhere. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

This is Lydia's newest thing she has learned at preschool.

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