Monday, March 21, 2011

St. Patrick's

Here are some photos of the girls on St. Patrick's Day. Lydia had told Kris and I a few days before St. Patricks that she was going to wear pink instead of green to be different. Well we both meet in the middle, pink pants, green shirt. The girl has quite the personality!
Hannah had her two week weight check (two weeks of being off breastmilk and on formula) and she did GREAT 12.8oz. up 8oz! the Dr clapped for us! We have decided to keep her on the formula for a while longer and hope that around 5 to 6 months of age she can start getting breat milk again, she is such a happier baby! She still has the reflux but her belly and intestines don't have to work so hard, so she isn't getting a ton of acid! I can't even tell you how cute her smiles are and she just lights up when Lydia talks to her!

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