Monday, January 31, 2011

My smile

Hannah is 7 weeks old, and last week started to really smile at us, but really her sister is the one who got the first smile. In the middle of the night she loves to only eat a little then look around for a while and last night I asked her, are you ever going to eat, or just keep mommy awake and she got the biggest grin and coo'd at me. It made my heart melt.

Lydia is starting to get then hang of having a baby in the house and her attitude is improving day by day. Which is nice for us.

Sunday Kris and I got to go out for our 1st date without the girls to celebrate my birthday. We ended up just going to lunch and sitting and talking for a few hours but it was so nice to be with just each other. Thank you Rachel!

Here are a few photos that I took to try and get her smile, I will continue to take and post if I can capture the cute thing.

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